How Pablo Skywalkin vs Rocaine Beef Escalated To One Being Shot Up

How Pablo Skywalkin vs Rocaine Beef Escalated To One Being Shot Up

What up gang.

Back with the real you know what’s the deal. Man oh man oh man. Detroit ain’t nothing to mess with, and the beef between Pablo Skywalkin and Rocaine is about to show us just that. 

From beef on wax, to fist fights in the streets, to 223’s breaking bones, things have been escalating up the violence ladder. Will it stop before someone loses their lives? Well, only time will tell. As for now, let’s chop it up and break down what ignited their beef and how did it get this far to shots being fired.

We all know Detroit as one of the leading cities of hip hop. Most notably Eminem comes to mind, 

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but over the years, others like Big Sean, 

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Tee Grizzley, 

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Dej Loaf, 

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42 Dugg, 

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Kash Doll

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and Sada Baby to name a few have taken up the spotlight. 

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But when it comes to rappers Pablo Skywalkin and Rocaine, they have not only been doing their thing in the music scene, but have been locked in a personal war for years. 

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Both artists have street connections throughout the hood. Rocaine was a youngin in and out of school until eventually dropping out. His first issues started when he took a BB gun to school in the 9th grade bussing at kids which got him kicked out. After police was involved, he had to find an education at other schools but all ended the same way, with him being kicked out (3:53-5:05) Deciding school wasn’t for him, Rocaine turned his attention to music, first rapping then also getting into producing (7:14-7:20) This is when his first big break came (7:24-7:33) Originally, Rocaine was a member of the crew Stunthard HotBoys. In 2013 he can be seen in their music video for their single “Go Crazy” which put him on the map (6:15-6:24)A group of people
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Rocaine would branch off his own direction and connect with Glo Gang head honcho Chief Keef Sosa himself. Keef was shown his music and DM’d the up and coming rapper to link up. Rocaine would fly out and they connected on a music vibe (0:26-0:48) After that, the two would kick it at Keef’s home chilling and playing music. Rocaine would put on his homie SmokeCamp Chino

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Who would send a song featuring his homie Snapp Dogg which impressed Sosa enough to bring all of them under his Glo Gang label (1:00-1:25)

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From there it seemed like Rocaine was on the up and up. To this day his track “Rubberbands (Chicken Chicken)” which featured Sosa in the video still is a hood banger 

But you know the higher you go, the more beef comes in the streets. One of those nearly claimed his life. The opp that came close was none other than his rival Pablo Skywalkin. Skywalkin was infatuated with the money, the women, the chains, the cars, the desires of the street life (3:27-3:33) From a young age he was always into fashion, making sure his drip was always on point shopping in Somerset. This was the reason for the last part of his name “Skywalkin.” Pablo sounded cool so he combined the two (1:37-1:47) Around a similar time when Rocaine dropped “Go Crazy” Skywalkin hopped into the music scene with his first music video also in 2013 titled “I’m Back” From That moment he caught the attention of the music industry (12:30-12:46) but he was always tied up in the hood. He was the face of his crew Loaf Gang (3:00-3:07) and they were out to do what they wanted whenever they wanted and get money (0:15-0:32)

It was like Rocaine and Skywalkin was on a collision course making similar moves on both sides. The moment would arrive that caused the two to clash and fall out. According to Rocaine years back Skywalkin was talking greasy to his homie and Stunthard HotBoy member, Ju Cash and it been up ever since (1:04-1:10)

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Little did Rocaine know that Skywalkin would set him up to be taken out in the future. The two threw jabs at each other on wax. At first it was rap beef, to the public at least, nothing new. Hip hop is a competitive sport. Some highlight tracks of the beef was Rocaine’s “RUN (Pablo Skywalkin Diss)” feat 44 Boyz and Skywalkin’s “CHOPPA SOUNDS” FEAT WILD WILD WEST which even used Rocaine’s voice at the very beginning to add insult to injury 

It was all good, until things started to seem more intense. It went from on wax, to driving through the hood taunting each other (1:28-2:17) (0:00-0:30) Skywalkin hinted to the two going at it before, accusing Rocaine of having the cops tase him (3:40-3:46)

Fans were witnessing the classic hood escalation before their eyes and not even know it. But soon, that would change. From Rocaine and Pablo Skywalkin, the beef extended to their homies. Before you know it, Glo Gang affiliates were sending threats and Skywalkin assembled his homies like the justice league to face Thanos (2:15-2:27) (0:55-0:58)

Where there’s smoke, there’s sure to be fire. While things were escalating, Rocaine was wildin in the streets. Beefs started to seem like a regular day in his life. Bro was beefing with both CashGang, BandGang and ShredGang. It’s crazy that he was beefing with three gangs that were aslo beefing against each other. I did a video detailing BandGang and ShredGang vs CashGang in a previous video, so I’d link it in the description for you to check out. Guns started being pulled out on live (1:40-1:50) but Rocaine was still going headfirst into the beef. CashGang was pulling the stick out and ShredGang was flanking with the hands. ShredGang Mone, 

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the same one who posted this when the opps murked his homie Jizzle P

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That Mone. He pulled up to Rocaine to fight it out Hands were exchanged and an unspoken truce seemed to be spoken before anyone could get seriously hurt. Rocaine would explain that his beef with BandGang and ShredGang who are close was all a misunderstanding and that they ain’t cool but mutually agree to just stay in their own lane (0:27-0:51) After his hands went at Mone, Rocaine wasn’t satisfied. That same day, he would make the decision that nearly cost him his life after realizing that his long time opp Pablo Skywalkin wasn’t as honorable as ShredGang Mone with his word. 

After the Mone fight, Skywalkin posted up a vid calling out Rocaine to link up to settle things with their hands (0:11-0:42) and Rocaine would accept, pulling up to the location (0:54-1:10) Both had their squad but no one jumped in, just the two throwing hands like men Everything seemed to go down as just that, but when the fight was over someone broke code. Pablo Skywalkin might have asked to settle things with hands, but what Rocaine didn’t know was that trigger fingers are attached to them. Shots can be heard firing just when everyone was leaving the fighting grounds (1:23-1:49) The next thing we knew, was Rocaine laid up in the hospital in a video he shared. It was a set up. With a bullet injuring his finger and another shattering the bone on his right hand, them 223’s nearly ended his life (1:05-1:46) (0:55-1:22)

Rocaine detailed what he called a set up in an interview with 4SHO Magazine, stating that Skywalkin cliqued up with outside dudes just to try take him out (1:10-1:21) After that, the two went back and forth but the street life took a toll on both their careers. In December 2017, Rocaine was arrested and booked into Wayne County Jail in Detroit on weapons charges, contempt of court, having a felony arrest warrant, and obstruction of justice.

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It’s as if him and Skywalkin were competing no matter what the prize was. Pablo Skywalkin would be arrested for shooting up the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas.

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Reports state that Pablo Skywalkin pulled out the strap and opened fire after having a verbal altercation outside of the Sketchers store. After bussin, pause, Skywalkin hopped a cab which cops traced to the Soul Food Cafe where a Subway employee put cops on the right trail. Skywalkin was apprehended while trying to conceal himself in a barbershop and the gun matching the description of Skywalkin’s was found in the toilet. He was booked on 13 counts of assault with a deadly weapon, one count of discharging a firearm into an occupied structure and one count of carrying a concealed weapon without a permit with a bail at $136,000 Fashion Show Mall shooting

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Realizing the path he was going down and his freedom on the verge of being taken away, Skywalkin got himself on the right track. After being on house arrest for about 2 years he got his life together (0:17-0:22) Bro got his business game up, selling out his clothing line and making bank (0:32-0:38) In a 2021 interview with CRTFD his maturity was clear. It was like listening to a entirely new person. Sounded like he definitely found himself through all the drama (3:27-3:47) Focusing on bettering himself and cutting off drugs after overdosing, Skywalkin made the transition from hood mentality to using his street smarts and experiences to do things better (1:35-14:00) (14:29-15:15) 

Rocaine on the other hand, hasn’t seen the better days like Skywalkin. Because of his case, rumors started going around about him snitching in order to gain his freedom. That caused a riff between him and his Glo Gang homies (0:58-1:20) (1:53-2:21) The weight was on his shoulders tryna clear the air about him being a rat while trying not to get sentenced to 5 years for 2 cases he was trying to beat (6:32-6:55) (2:32-3:15) Rocaine would take a serious hit to his buzz and street credentials, which would lead to him being out of Glo Gang (2:52-3:28) Although Rocaine is claiming he can’t be kicked out of Glo Gang cause he was never Glo Gang in the first place (5:55-6:05) (0:15-0:20) Instead he now reps his own gang “44 Boyz” (1:45-1:52) At first he would give credit to Keef for putting him onto a new wave (1:57-2:15) but then discredited Keef’s help with his buzz and with it, disrespected Chicago rappers he was cool with and OTF (0:22-0:48) (2:39-2:44)

Beef never ends good, but in this instance, Pablo Skywalkin came out with the better circumstances on his path to building his life the right way, grinding, fashion, music, and business. With all of the allegations and severed connections around Rocaine, he’s been having a tough time bouncing back, but never count someone out. Hopefully now that the beef seems to have settled down between the two, they both can elevate and be a part of Detroit’s hot music scene.

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