As family and friends continue to mourn the passing of Jacky Oh, one individual has decided to use the tragic moment to fuel her grudge. Earlier today (June 7), Azealia Banks let off a series of posts on Instagram sending shots at DC Young Fly, who shares three children with the late model and entrepreneur. Evidently, Banks is still upset about her appearance on a past episode of “Wild N’ Out,” which left her in tears after DC delivered jokes at her expense. For the uninitiated, the aforementioned show is popular because of its “everyone gets roasted” format.
“DC Young Fly spent years disguising his own deeply rooted hatred of self as jokes pointed at women’s beauty, projecting his own feelings about his own ugliness unto women perfectly secure in their own skin,” Banks’ initial message read. “Because in the end, I won. I’m happy I cried and moved on. That [Jacky Oh] girl must’ve been so deeply insecure of herself. And the nerve of DC to call such a gorgeous woman as Azealia Banks ugly on national television while a bunch of Black people laughed.”
The controversial artist then inaccurately connected the age of Jacky Oh‘s passing (she was 33 at the time of her transition) to her 32nd birthday. Subsequent posts appeared to be disjointed rants about Anna Wintour and the LGBTQIA+ community.
As expected, members of social media expressed their disdain over Banks’ posts. One Twitter user, sliiiiim_, called the act “disgusting.” “Azealia Banks further proving why no one f**ks with her. That is vile and evil to say… How do you rejoice about someone’s death because their comedian partner made you upset?” she asked.
Another person with the handle Underrated_Dom suggested that Banks needs to utilize a higher level of care for her personal issues. “Anyone who gets this mad over a joke needs to seek help,” he said. “Time is ticking for her to even achieve what DC has achieved with love, or her overly grumpy self will be alone for her last days.”
Check out Azealia Banks‘ message to DC Young Fly and other responses from social media below.