A copyright lawsuit was filed in The Middle District of Tennessee, Nashville Division claiming Nicole Arbour co-wrote three tracks on country rapper Ryan Upchurch’s new album People’s Champ. That album charted on Billboard and went to #2 on Apple Music.
But did she write them?
In the age of social media, it’s pretty hard to hide anything which is where Upchurch may be out of luck. He himself posted videos in the studio and at writing sessions with her saying, “Nicole just made this,” then played one of the tracks in question “Good Day.” The book she wrote the lyrics on is in front of her in the video, and she showed a close-up of the book on her Instagram.
They both posted on a writing trip in 2021 with Upchurch saying what a big fan of Nicole he is followed by her catchphrase Go Team! Highly suspect.
The lawsuit shows screenshots of him sending the track bounces after their sessions. Also suspect.
Upchurch turned off the comment sections of the tracks they allegedly wrote together “Good Day” “Backroad Runners” and “Severe Storms” on Youtube. Triple suspect.
If we zoom way out, it looks like Upchurch had a crush on Arbour while she was writing for him but when she didn’t match that energy, he went full Amber Heard trying to smear Nicole while stealing her music. One look at his Youtube channel and the guy doesn’t seem like he’s mentally stable. He keeps posting about an ex-girlfriend from years ago who is an open lesbian since then, and a year since Arbour filed a restraining order against Upchurch, he continues to post obsessively about her on all his channels.
Regardless of feelings, the industry is small and you always have to give credit where it’s due. Upchurch is best to cut his losses and settle on this one.
YouTube: www.youtube.com/nicolearbour
About Post Author

Chad is a professional journalist specializing in Hip-Hop culture and writing music reviews.