What up gang. Back with the real you know what’s the deal. Before we even get into it, drop some blue hearts for the legend Nipsey Hussle one time.
He paved the way for a lot of youngins in LA and was a part of the Rolling crip set affiliated with the now 55 Crips that has no care for their opps. They have been in the face of the media lately with the rising star and Opp Goblin Crip Mac waging war on anyone that disrespects the set
Bodies have dropped, blood spilled, and the beef is showing no sign of ending. Today we’re going to detail one of LA’s most rebellious gangs, the 55 Crips and their opps. Let’s chop it up and break it down.
Las Angeles, California is a beautiful city
But it has been plagued with violence, drugs, and gang warfare since the Blue wearing Crips and Red flagging Bloods gangs of the 80’s https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (1:22-1:36)
The rise of the drug game had youngins in the hood joining gangs to make it big and stack their bread up, but it came with dark consequences https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (0:30-0:35) Gangs that were originally formed to protect black communities and people of color, turned into the very dangers they intended to protect the community from
https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (2:21-2:35) https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (0:02-0:26) No one was safe, not elderly, not women, not even kids and babies https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (3:49-3:57) https://youtu.be/Rdn_kB1hq_A (0:00-3:33)
But the beef between the rival sets took an even more devastating turn as money and power corrupted the structure and workings of the gangs. The crips, turned from a powerful force under the vision of founders like Stanley Tookie Williams
To various sets breaking apart from each other after internal conflict sparked with the younger generation trying to flex their authority https://youtu.be/hbwVQTR43oc (18:42-19:04) According to the OG member Melvin Farmer
Different crips claimed their set opening the doors for the rise of crip sets like the Rolling 60 crips, Eight Trays crips, Underground crips and the Blocc crips https://youtu.be/hbwVQTR43oc (15:53-16:15) That also created the Crip set focused on in this vid, the 55 Crips aka 55 Neighborhood Crips https://youtu.be/PbXYRGdO-F0 (14:55-14:59)
Initially they went by the name the 55 Hustlers and like other crip fractions took their name from the street they repped 55th
They would form the Rolling 50’s crips joining with the 57 Neighborhood Crips (NHC) and 58 NHC
Crippin’ was taking over LA and their opps were basically right round the way. The first is the 51 Trouble Crips. They originated as a graffiti crew , Nothing But Trouble (NBT) before coming under the Gangster Crips umbrella adopting the name 51 Trouble Crips of 51st street.
Just as 55 Crips are allied with the Rolling 50’s and 60’s, 51 Trouble has cliqued up with neighboring crip sets, widening the villains of the 55 Crips. The Hoover Crips, mainly the 52 Hoover crips (five deuce) taking their name from their base of operation, Hoover Street between Vermont Ave and Figueroa Ave.
Initially, they went under the name Hoover Groovers before transitioning to their second form, the Hoover Crips after falling out with the West Side Crips. But their final form of violence came with the change to their current name, The Hoover Criminals and can be identified banging their color, Orange.
As if 55 Crips didn’t have enough dealing with the 51 Trouble crips and Hoover Criminals, they also have beef with the Harvard Gangster crips around Harvard Blvd, between Western Ave and Halldale Ave.
And can’t forget their other nemesis the Van Ness Gangster Brims of Van Ness Ave. in the neighborhood on Slauson Ave between Western Ave and Crenshaw Blvd. Their hatred for the 55 Crips run deep and their graffiti can be spotted with 55k and crossing out 55 with their Van Ness Gangster stamp
So now we have a better idea of what the 55 Crips are dealing with from all ends surrounded by opps https://youtu.be/PbXYRGdO-F0 (8:00-8:12)
Before Crip Mac turned the entire world’s direction to the 55 Crips, they were already well known in the streets and their ruthless rebellious nature gained them the title of being feared, but that came with a lot of bloodshed and loss.
In 2009 51 Trouble Crip member Ronnie F. Onley aka 007 was out for blood. Bro had his eyes set on taking the life of 55 Crip member Keith Moore and didn’t stop until he caught him lackin’. 007 didn’t fail at murking him once, nor twice, nor thrice, but four times on four different occasions in 2009 before finally catching him lackin’ on the fifth try in the same year. That’s some serious dedication and shows how much of a menace the 55 Neighborhood Crips were to their opps.
On the afternoon of September 5, 2009, 007 and fellow 51 Trouble Crip affiliate Jason Wilder succeed in Murking Moore. When officers arrived at the scene after a 911 call, they found Moore lying near 55th Street and Denker Avenue with fatal gunshot wounds to his lower back and upper thigh. About the crime scene were a bicycle on a grass parkway nearby and twelve .9-millimeter bullet casings in the street. Eyewitnesses at the scene would report to cops of seeing Onley aka 007 running from the area pulling his T-shirt up over his face. Reports also state a witness saw 007 before the hit riding on a bicycle from an alleyway onto 55th Street where Moore stopped behind a grey car and after the hit, he dipped in a powder blue Camry with Wilder. Cops would track down 007 the same day, catching both him and Wilder in 007’s red Monte Carlo. Upon searching a small storefront area that comprised the front portion of 007’s home revealed a storage case for a Smith and Wesson gun, and an ammunition box containing 18 rounds of .9-milimeter ammunition. 007 would be found guilty after investigations and trial and sentenced to 80 years to life for the crime.
The opps were applying pressure on 55 Crips and they weren’t near to being done. On December 27th 2011, 51 Trouble crip Rayvon Moreland and Marquise Caliz aka Tiny Crumb caught a body and upped the score
Tiny Crumb is so ruthless that feds distinguish him by his EKG haircut signifying his code to make his opps flatline.
Why would you want beef with a dude who lives by the motto EKG, I don’t know, but the 55 Crips and their associates were about to find out that was a bad idea.
General of 55 Crips affiliates, 57 NHC Andre Lockhart aka D-Rocc
and 55 Crip associate Steven Wade aka Tiny Draw Down were their next target.
According to court documents, D-Rocc and Tiny Draw Down were walking outside a market on the corner of 55th Street and Normandie Avenue when a car driving south on Normandie Avenue turned right on 55th Street. D-Rocc wasn’t a general for nothing, he picked up on the suspicious nature of the whip and gave Tiny Draw Down the heads up. An opp in a fitted shirt hopped out the back seat, upped the pole and started bussin’ before escaping in the whip westbound on 55th Street. D-Rocc barely lost his life catching a headshot.
By some stroke of grace, D-Rocc’s sister Talitha Lockhart and sis-in-law Irene Mason was present in a parked whip on 55th Street around the time D-Rocc was murked. His sister made out the shooter wearing a jeans with a short-sleeve green shirt and being of medium built, approximately 5 feet eight inches tall weighing around 130-140 pounds. Tiny Draw Down would also be interviewed as a witness and spill the beans on the shooter. Court documents state that he pointed out Tiny Crumb as the hitter and told cops just days before the hit, he saw him graffiti NHCK aka Neighborhood Crip Killer because he wanted to murk them.
Even with this and video footage, the cops needed more concrete evidence and they paid an ex-gang member and confidential informant $300 blue ones to pose as an affiliated gang to draw out info from Crumb in a holding cell, and it not only worked on Crumb but also the driver, Rayvon Moreland aka Tiny Mickey Mouse who cops later arrested.
Tiny Micky Mouse would get 10 years and Tiny Crumb 25 to life for the hit. 55 Crips was suffering loses and from investigations, Cops uncovered a possible origin that intensified the feud with the 51 Trouble crips. The two claim the same territory of 54th Street. It’s the Southern Border of the 51 Troubles and the Northern Border of the 55 Crips so there’s always a standoff right next to each other.
Of course the 55 Crips were no push overs and was already plotting their get back. July 4th 2012 around 10pm, 16-year old 55 Crip member Jeremy Stephenson and another 55 Crip affiliate would go opp hunting in the Van Ness Gangsters set area. They would find a target to retaliate on. It was the home of Nakoi. Chilling on the front porch with her moms, and friends Dashua Hunter and Anthony. Jeremy approached with a rifle and his homie a handgun before stopping under a streetlight, yelling out “F Crabs” and bussing behind the group.
Hunter would be hit in the face and foot, with a bullet breaking his jaw and lodging in his spine leaving him with permanent facial numbness.
Evidence at the scene and eyewitness of Hunter and Taylor got the appellant, Jeremy Stephenson charged and sentenced to 40 years to life for the crime to which he was fighting to appeal at the time.
The report of the incident would detail the long standing feud between the 55 Crips and Van Ness Gangsters, sighting each crossing out the others territory with graffiti as disrespect
55 Crips were on their bully and wasn’t about to let it end there. On July 4th 2014 around 6am 55 Crips caught another body in a case of mistaken identity. Dametreas Doby, Jamon Carter, Clifton Floyd, and Ryan Shields, all 55 Neighborhood crips saw the victim who court documents label J.N walking down the 54 Van Ness Gangsters region. Doby n’em pulled up guns drawn and a struggle broke out. Shots were fired severing J.N’s finger and wounding him in the stomach.
55 Wasn’t satisfied. Reports state that just two hours later, they found two more victims labeled as E.C. and M.M. in court documents. Doing some deep research, I found one victim to be Maurice Marshall (M.M.).
Doby and his 55 Crip homies caught E.C. and Maurice outside their aunt’s house in a Five Deuce (52) Hoover territory about two miles east of where J.N. was shot. Doby n’em spun the block yelled out “F Snoover” and fired four or five shots before dipping. Maurice was hit multiple times and succumbed to his injures at the hospital.
Surveillance footage, eyewitness reports and evidence in the vehicle lead to Doby receiving 50 years to life.
Worse yet, none of the victims were gang bangers, just happened to be in their rival gang territory.
Gang beef doesn’t care if you’re innocent or not, it just claims lives and leaves pain and loss. The 55 Crips have still been locked in the deadly beef with their opps to this day. Now that Crip Mac is on and attaining fame,
he’s been beefing with Hoover members Jap 5
And Tr3yway6k
https://youtu.be/3HM3S8T1ZGY (4:02-4:13) https://youtu.be/vUny4RazR9k (0:00-0:38) https://youtu.be/EBNpRuTtpLs (0:09-0:38) https://youtu.be/upctuzS2MFI (5:18-6:14)
https://youtu.be/ZIh-t6EmP30 (0:08-0:31) https://youtu.be/llAfdH3hThM (1:19-1:38)
Hell, CMac has been beefing with even Blueface https://youtu.be/qZLPMJ7cpjc (1:41-2:21)
and the entire of his opps dropping disses and burning flags like its nothing https://youtu.be/kKnHr-ud_0Q (0:00-0:18) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HSxqdyPZ-pc https://youtu.be/F2AAte7wse4 (0:00-0:10)
Hopefully no more bloodshed spills on the streets and CMac can enjoy the fame and growing success https://youtu.be/BWzDD2xRpww (2:40-2:52) https://youtu.be/O4db-F0aT_8 (2:54-3:21)
So there you have it. Thanks for kicking it with yah boy, appreciate the love and support. Catch ya’ll in the next one. Peace up and peace out https://youtu.be/O4db-F0aT_8 (3:37-3:57)