Today we had an exclusive chance to interview aspiring rapper Dangerous Rob:
1. How did you come up with your Stage Name?
Freestyle battling back in the day, and a DJ in Los Angeles said my Freestyles were Dangerous. My friends call me D-Rob. So, I turned the D into Dangerous and have been mashing ever since.
2. Where are you from?
I am from Tulsa Oklahoma (Black Wall Street)
3. Where are you now?
Dallas, Texas.
4. Who would you say inspired you the most as an Artist?
I was inspired by the Gap Band and Charlie Wilson; they are from my hometown. Run from Run DMC, Chuck D, and Ice Cube.
5. Do you remember the first rhyme that you wrote?
Yes, the first rhyme I wrote was at John Burroughs Elementary, I was in the 3rd grade, by 6 grade I was writing rhymes for our whole group Playboy Patrol.
6. What is the best advice you received?
I received advice from the Great Melle Mel, after opening for them and I cursed the crowd out when I was 16 years old. Melle said “When performing, give it your all, do your very best, prepare for your shows, and always respect your fans.” I have used this methodology my entire career.
7. What`s your latest release?
The “I Love U” record is my latest release.
8. What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
I want my legacy to be known as one of the most dedicated artists from my state of Oklahoma and remembered as the artist to put my city on the map. My career spans over 30 years and I have made a conscientious effort to ensure that Tulsa is known for putting out quality music around the world.
9. Have there been any obstacles in your career?
Of Course, it`s been obstacles. Coming from Oklahoma we face challenges being in the middle of the map because in the beginning there were no record labels that catered to Hip Hop music, Oklahoma is primarily known for Country music. The internet has helped with being able to connect with fans overseas and other markets in the United States given us an opportunity to overcome those obstacles.
10. Is there anyone you would like to thank, and shout out?
Yes I would like to thank God, My whole family and everyone that has supported me. FREEDAM!–
@dangerousrob918- Instagram
@dangerous_rob- tiktok
@fattwoo- snapchat
Dangerousrob74- Youtube