There is no denying, Hip-Hop music has evolved and transformed the music culture over the past four...
Marty McFly
Jason Soto is a HipHop enthusiast with love for everything generated by the culture. He fell in love with music during the first decade of his life and spent most of his teenage years as a DJ. He began to dabble in writing and rapping after being introduced to battle rap and found the art form to be extremely exciting and innovative. As an adult, his own personal interest has lead him to become a freelance columnist, a HipHop ghostwriter, and a cover art designer.
The Harlem, New York native Tommy Danger – The Now and Laterman, started making music to escape...
Those who fail to think outside the box will eventually trap themselves in one. Creativity is the...
Jonni Apollo has a new project set to drop later this year titled, “Jonni Apollo & The...
Crazyaimone is an inspiring Hip-Hop talent who was born in Slovakia and spent most of his life growing...
Rey Spyder and Tito Moet have lived through a saga of hardships most could not imagine. From life-threatening shootouts to...
An opportunity is like a sunrise. If you wait too long, chances are you’ll miss it. Cardo Loot is...
Micah DuBeau, stage name Motor Mouth, is a Hip-Hop artist who currently resides in Los Angeles, California. After...
There’s no need to test the potency of your product, especially when it exemplifies dopeness. Why change...
Avalanche The Architect is a Hip-hop recording artist from Toronto, Canada (originally from NYC), committed to leaving his...
The art of beat-making is an essential component that allows the music industry to accelerate forward each...
Networking is not the collection of contacts but rather the building of relationships. Harlem entrepreneur Tommy Danger recently joined...
In times of great stress and adversity, it’s always best to pour your energy into something productive. Rich...
Straight out of Fresno, California comes a hungry independent rapper by the name of BlueHunnidss. The So-Cal...
Mississippi rapper Dailan Rashad Claiborne, stage name Rashadsofly, is a Hip-Hop artist looking to make an impact...
The Hip-Hop art form is a blank canvas of potential. It’s up to the artist to draw...
Every successful person in history began by pursuing a passion, usually against all odds. Persistence and motivation...
The facets of music and its ever-evolving nature have given rise to a new breed of artists...
U2’s lead vocalist Bono once said, “Music can change the world because it can change the people.”...
D-Rell (Harlem, New York) is no stranger to the culture and has spent the last 14 years fine-tuning...