The Freestyle King Lil Snupe: Meek Mill Protégé’s Tragic Death

The Freestyle King Lil Snupe: Meek Mill Protégé’s Tragic Death

What up gang.

Back with the real you know what’s the deal. Louisiana has been a hot topic so it’s only right we do one on the Meek Mill Protégé and Freestyle King Lil Snupe who was sure on his way to becoming a superstar. Sadly, he never got the chance to take over the game like everyone knew he would and worse part, his killer was right within his camp. It’s a cold world. Let’s chop it up and break it down.

Born Addarren Ross of Jonesboro Louisiana, they nicknamed him Lil Snupe because his pops was Charlie Brown (1:54-2:18)

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The messed up part is that he got the name due to his pops but never got the chance to know him because he was sent to prison to do 20 years when Snupe was just 4 years old (1:47-1:57) With his pops gone, Snupe and his moms were trying to make it with what little they had, but his moms had him young so they was just trying to cope (2:50-3:01)

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Even with that, Snupe had heart from since a youngin’. No matter the weight on his shoulders he would always be the one clowning and making people laugh, maybe because he knew how tough life truly is (0:30-0:41) (7:47-8:16)

Thinking about it, that’s both admirable and sad for a child. But ain’t no pity parties because that boy Lil Snupe knew he was gonna be a superstar in the rap game from he was just 4 years old (0:36-0:57) (1:25-1:33) But Snupe’s mind was finding distractions outside being pulled to the streets with people around him being in the trenches (15:44-15:53) (0:16-0:38)

Even though moms was young, she knew the dangers of the neighborhood where she lived and tried to keep Snupe head straight. Snupe was faced with a decision, heed moms warning or forget about his dreams, and he made a grown man decision and started adjusting his mindset and movements, changing his future forever (0:15-0:32) (2:00-2:29) 

Snupe’s talent was undeniable. Already able to rhyme words and sentences as a child like he was already a rapper in the industry (1:17) As he grew his flow, bars and delivery got more refined and he joined a rap group, sadly for whatever reason they kicked him out and moms stood 10 toes down for her only son and let him know he don’t need anyone because he’s got the talent and if he really wanted to pursue rap they could invest in what equipment for a home studio (2:49-3:03) 

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In her mind she was also protecting him from being out on the streets and ending up in the pen like his pops (3:03-3:13) 

That was exactly what Snupe needed. Rap fact: Momma Snupe let people know in an interview that Snupe would sometimes go to school and disappear for days before coming home, but in some of those times he was at MO3’s crib because they both went to school together (1:04-2:00) Messed up how both so talented friends yet never got the chance to take over the world like they were destined to. RIP MO3

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Snupe became known for having a particular skill many rappers don’t, freestyling. Snupe could just randomly spit bars for hours. Mix that with the realness and passion in his music talking about the struggle of the hood and he had what it took to reach greatness (1:46-2:00) Around 2012 Lil Snupe would drop his first project, the mixtape “16 & Runnin” and it built his buzz even more.

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His moment came when his favorite rapper Meek Mill was coming to do a show in Grambling State University which wasn’t far from where he was at, so he planned to go give him his tape (6:05-6:34)

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Even if it was a long shot and with peers saying he won’t make it anywhere, Snupe said screw it and did it anyway. He knew ole girl who work security and she got him a pass (6:37-6:51) He showed up and caught Meek heading into his whip to leave, knocked on the glass and when they rolled down he dropped in his mixtape and bounced (7:48-8:10) Thinking with his homies Meek probably dashed his tape out the window (8:27-9:00) they were clowning laughing when his homie called and said Meek tweeted about him (9:05-9:27) At first Snupe even didn’t believe his homie but he checked himself and sure enough Meek not only shouted him out but was posting lyrics from his tape minutes after (9:40-10:10) This led to Meek reaching out and the two chopped it up (10:13-10:55) Shout out to his homie who engineered the tape and believed in Snupe when everyone else doubted, that’s a real homie right there (3:16-3:44)

Snupe was satisfied because he felt like he was right about his talent but the craziest thing happened, some two weeks later Snupe found out Meek was still bumping his tape and tweeting his music (10:58-11:07) That was it, Snupe laid it all on the line to catch a bus and travel 36 hours to see Meek (11:10-11:42) He actually told his moms Meek brought him out for a contract but that wasn’t the truth, Snupe took the initiative and went for his dreams (10:47-10:54) (11:16-11:25) (12:16-12:55)

Snupe popped up, and from the first freestyle he kicked for Meek, it was locked in. Meek and the team was blown away by his ability to drop off the top and spit fire (12:09-12:19) (1:26-1:52) Lil Snupe was now rolling with Meek and his opportunity came. Meek believed in this dude without a doubt and hit him up about the rapper Retro wanting to battle rap for 10 bandz. Snupe ate that dude up, no pause (10:24-13:03) (18:01-18:27) (27:30-27:40) 

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And it all fell into place. The vid went viral and Lil Snupe was signed to Dream Chasers (14:40-16:25)

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The two was turning up on freestyles right down to one of the biggest platforms Sway In The Morning (0:19-0:47) Meek was letting him shine and just watching on proud to see the youngin doing his thing and he was dang good at it (1:20-1:46) (2:00-3:01) 

Lil Snupe had the recognition of hip hop, and he wasn’t going to stop applying pressure. He dropped the highly anticipated project RNIC aka Real N-Word In Charge with features from mainstream rappers in the game (3:16-4:15) 

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It was clear the industry rocked with Snupe and respected his craft.

Snupe envisioned his dreams, met the rapper that inspired him, signed to his label and they were like brothers. If that isn’t work ethic, dedication, talent, and hustle I don’t know what is (2:09-2:26) (0:20-0:45)

That’s why what happened next made the loss hurt so much more. On June 20th 2013 at the Maplewood Apartments in Winnfield, Louisiana, Lil Snupe’s life was taken.

Lil Snupe was at a friend’s apartment playing video games along with Lil E when it happened. His friend, Edrick O. Stewart aka Lil E 

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replayed parts of what happened saying that Snupe and his homie were at the spot playing video games and they made a bet for who would win. Snupe washed ole boy. Not being able to take a simple loss in a game, he upped the pole and shot Lil Snupe (8:42-9:08) 

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Mama Snupe was going through it finding out what happened (3:45-5:27) There’s actually a pretty bloody photo online of Snupe’s alleged body, but won’t disrespect Snupe and post it here.

Snupe’s mother wasn’t buying Lil E’s story and said he was a liar and changing his story every time she pressed him (3:42-4:21) (5:05-5:17)

The trigger man was later assumed to be Snupe’s other friend, Tony Holden.

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He turned himself in and he was charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery, and illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and held without bond 

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The cops would also pick up Edrick O. Stewart aka Lil E, charging him for manslaughter.

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On the day of court and sentencing for Holden, Momma Snupe posted a series of thoughts online letting it be known the justice system failed her son because they were sentencing his killer not even for Snupe’s death but for being a convicted felon with a firearm.

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According to the investigation results, ballistics evidence from Holden’s strap didn’t match the slugs found in Snupe’s body. But maybe Momma Snupe later found out the real truth no one would acknowledge. In 2017 she did an interview where she called out Lil E and on record said that Holden was involved in Snupe’s murder, but it was Edrick Stewart aka Lil E that was the trigger man. Damn (3:02-3:25) What’s more she said that they had closed Lil E’s case but the case was re-opened and she was certain he would be convicted for the shooting (32:26-3:40)

Date back a bit to a 2016 interview she did with XXL and what Momma Snupe said would shock you. You really have to be careful who you around. According to Momma Snupe, initially it was thought Holden was the hitter, but she said that it was conclusive Edrick aka Lil E’s bullet was actually the bullet that murked Snupe.

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She further went on to say Holden turned himself in not because of Snupe’s death but because he was out on bail and that’s why he got the 10 years for convicted felon with a firearm

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Before the case with Lil E was reopened, she said the judge stated who the bullets belonged to but nothing was being done and Lil E was set free

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Momma Snupe went on to shed more light on her take on what happened, saying that Holden and Snupe wasn’t buggin’ that much over the game, but Lil E instigated and intensified the situation

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What’s even more crazy, she said after Lil E was let go, he was involved in another family suffering due to him murking another person.

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I actually looked into it and it took some searching but I found the actually post from Crime Stoppers relating to the next shooting Momma Snupe was speaking on so seems her story has even more credit now

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All of this coming out years later is wild. Many don’t mention this but Lil E was actually a main person Lil Snupe was telling about his dreams and even was calling him to tell him what went down with Meek Mill, so Snupe really trusted bro, maybe that’s why Momma Snupe calls Lil E jealous and a fake friend in that later interview (6:39-8:09) (3:41-4:21)

Snupe’s pops would be released from jail in 2021 and try to clout chase starting beef with Meek Mill and disrespecting Momma Snupe because his son’s grave didn’t have a headstone (0:00-0:41) (3:44-7:34) but Momma Snupe quickly called out his publicity stunt (0:23-2:19)

Later to find out, his pops was pursuing rap and also trying to beg Meek to put him on Dream Chasers What a father, right? (1:46-1:57)

Snupe’s music like his hit track “Mello”  lives on and his RNIC 2 which he worked on while alive also dropped

Stream Lil Snupe - When I See You ( R.N.I.C.2) by Lil Chaser | Listen  online for free on SoundCloud

The hip hop community definitely lost one of its greatest talents and family and friends lost a dear loved one. Snupe will forever be engraved in hip hop. Meek Mills continues to keep his legacy alive in music and even tour tributes (0:00-0:42) and Momma Snupe is repping hard for her Son even making a documentary that began looking for a platform for release in 2021 (8:23-10:11) (12:57-13:37) (14:44-15:25)

So there you have it. Thanks for kicking it with yah boy, appreciate the love and support. RIP to the young king Lil Snupe. Catch ya’ll in the next one. Peace up and peace out. (0:15-1:27) (17:13-17:45) (16:08-16:23) 

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