Today we had an exclusive chance to interview WilliamGold from BOLD Entertainment Group:
How did you first come up with the idea of doing Awake In A Nightmare: The Epilogue?
It’s been a year since we released my debut album, Asleep With The TV On. I felt like instead of doing a deluxe like everyone does, it would be cool to cap off the “dream” style album I did with a darker ending. It was a good way to give heavier hip-hop records to the people who have been asking for them!
Talk me through the creative process you had in making this album.
Honestly, like with all of my music, whatever I feel in the moment I make. I don’t rush or force records, and I rarely spend time recording anyway, so when I make a record that I really like, or I get writing inspiration, I just go in and do it. There would be times where Arktic (my brother, one of my main producers, and my engineer) and I would get in the studio and crank out two records, and times where we’d sit down for five minutes and leave because we couldn’t find a vibe. It’s a natural thing for me, I have to feel connected to my creations otherwise they feel inauthentic to me, and you’d be able to hear it in my voice when you listened.
Where and how did you work the best on this album?
We built a two suite, industry-level studio in the basement of our house during COVID that we run our music consulting business, The Elemntz, out of. The greatest luxury is being able to go down to the studio within seconds of feeling a vibe or having an idea. I love to produce or compose an instrumental, let it play while I walk around the house, and come back to it with verse and chorus ideas. Also, Arktic and I work best together, and the reason those records made it onto the album was because he and I worked hand-in-hand to make them what they are. He knows my style, my voice, and how I work, which made it comfortable to record, re-record, and flesh out the project how I wanted.
How did you come up with the concept for the “FauxDiamonds” music video?
I LOVE visual arts. If I didn’t feel like making music was my main skill, I’d invest all my efforts into the visual arts. I make videos myself and have for years, so this was my time to add my own style and combo of comedic/action/drama to my music. I also wanted the video to relate to the song and for it to have a clear theme, and thought it would be really cool to make Arktic, who’s featured on the record, the villain of the video! It adds a twist to the record that you wouldn’t think of when just listening to the song itself. Loved the camera and editing work done by Nick Welch, and the effort everyone involved put into making it an incredible piece.

What was the most difficult part of making this album come together?
I seriously have an issue sitting in the studio to pull a song together. I know that consistency is key when trying to build a career in this, but it’s really damn hard. I get bored a LOT when making music, and that makes it tough to crank out ideas. However, when something sticks or catches my ear sonically, I’m locked in and ready to design. Also, I didn’t want any of the songs to sound similar to one another. I purposefully pulled together compositions that vary, give off different vibes and moods, and help tell a story plus show the diversity in both Arktic’s and my own production abilities and skill. Aside from that, I sometimes let my own insecurities get in the way of creating, whether it be not liking the sound of my voice on a song, thinking the lyrics are corny, or thinking about the daunting task of getting people to listen to my music.
How would you describe the music you made on the album?
Dark, heavy, and all hip-hop. I purposefully didn’t invite or create songs that could be categorized in other genres for this album because people have been wanting to hear this side of my pen and production. Trust, my next project will be MASSIVELY different.

How would you compare the music on this album to your last?
This was way darker and straight hip-hop. My last project played with fusions of R&B, soul, and hip-hop.
Should we expect more music this year?
100%. I stopped worrying about making music I THINK people want to hear, and instead make the music that my ears love. I hope people latch on to my creations, of course, but I can’t make music driven by the desires of everyone else and not my own. Much more on the way.
What type of music are you focused on making now?
Now, I’m feeling super musical. Complex chord structures and arrangements, deep and experimental drum patterns, and other super musical components are the vibe. I’m also looking for a significant amount of artists to collaborate with and to feature on my songs. I don’t care much for being the focal voice on my music in the foreseeable future. I’d love to build records around the voices of artists I admire. So look out for something different!
WilliamGold’s Awake In A Nightmare: The Epilogue album is available on all streaming platforms and his music video for “FauxDiamonds” is available on YouTube.
Pictures by taken by Zack Hanson