ED DE6D, East Coast’s on the Verge Artist to Blow Up Next

ED DE6D is a rap artist coming from the East Coast whose upbringing in sowed someone who prides himself on loyalty, family, and the hustle. It’s his grind that’s most impressive, but what’s most exciting about ED DE6D is that he’s just getting started.

Born Edward Robertson, comes from a very humble beginning. The rapper first began making music as a way to vent out his anger and depression. ED DE6D quickly realized it was a great way to express himself and find fun in the music genre.

His sound is a unique and street, high energy record for all cultures, and his fans can attest to that. ED DE6D’s latest song “Pink and Red” was released just a month ago and has already incredible attention online and his other song “BITCOIN” has crossed over 45k views on youtube! ED DE6D has proven to himself that he belongs in the rap space.

If you link ED DE6D and his music you can find him on Instagram: @edde6d

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