Linnon Stylz

Linnon Stylz: new king of R’n’B

In the great, vast world of music, R&B seems like pretty much a forgotten style. Once popular, at some point during the nineties and early 2000s, this music style seems to really have faded into the memory. You don’t hear much about R&B anymore, do you? And that’s a real shame, because… well, it wasn’t a bad kind of music, was it? Not at all.

It had soul, it had style. You could listen to it at parties or on your own. It was, for short, a great style.

And we’ve got great news for you, ‘cause it’s coming back. Linnon Stylz is a young, up-and-coming R&B musician, who styles himself the “New King of R&B”, which is no small boast.

Now, some may think that’s just empty words, but it ain’t. His brand new single, “Crown Me (The New King of R&B)” is a soulful track with excellent vibes and rhythm, that has an undeniable resemblance to the long ago music that people loved in the 90s.

However, as is necessary with any rebirth, it’s not just the same old thing. You can’t just take R. Kelly, sing his songs and make them popular again, because you need something that will appeal to the new generation of music listeners.

And Linnon Stylz has got just the thing. His music, powerfully melodic, combines a hint of old school R&B with this incredible freshness. The accent in “Crown Me (The New King of R&B)” should definitely be on the new part, because there’s no mistaking when this song came out.

Linnon Stylz’s music is fresh and innovative. It’s catchy, but also smart. It’s melodic, but also has a certain edge to it. See, the reason why R&B has been pretty much a dormant music genre for so many years is that many people in that business try to mimic the same old thing. But, as anyone who’s been in the music business a while will tell you, you can’t just do that. You need to alter it, to make it appropriate and exciting for the age you now live in.

And Linnon Stylz doesn’t try to do that, he doesn’t tr to follow the same old recipe, but rather brings his youthful, passionate vision to it and alters R&B, giving it a brand new image.

Although it may seem like a heavy boast, “Crown Me (The New King of R&B)” is ushering in a new golden era of the genre, and you do not want to miss it.

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