
How to Properly Tune a Cello

When learning how to play an instrument, there are several things that you should know especially if you’re just a novice. In playing the cello, one of the required things to know is tuning. At the beginning of your lessons (if you are taking such), your teacher would most likely teach and guide you all throughout. But during these early stages, it is recommendable to practice independently. This will equip you to be more advanced in the future. 

Basic guides to tune a cello

Tuning Sequence

In tuning a cello, it is dependent on how many strings need to be tuned. If there are only a few, minor adjustments can be made using fine tuners. But if the majority of the strings need to be realigned, then the application of pegs and tuners must be done. 

How do you tune a cello? Tuning a cello is part of the maintenance since over time, strings are loosened up and will need to be tightened. Although in some cases, like when there is climate change, then you are required to loosen them. If more than two strings need to be tuned, use the sequence C,G,D,A. 

  1. Start with the open C string and tighten it up until it is near the correct pitch. 
  2. Pluck the strings to make a tone then gently turn it and exert a force going inward to tighten. 
  3. If possible, a digital tuner can make this process easier as it can depict whether the tune is flat or sharp. 
  4. Do not be discouraged if you cannot omit a perfect tune right away. The strings are influenced by one another so you will need multiple adjustments. 
  5. Continue to do the method with all the strings. 
  6. After all the strings are tuned, pitch as best as you can to check your bridge alignment. The correct form should be at 90 degrees angle to the belly. 
  7. Do the last tuning using a fine tuner for the final revisions. 

Tuning Equipment

What is the tuning equipment every cellist must have? A tuner is essential to ascertain that you are in the correct pitch at all times. There are different variations of tuners but for beginners who are new to playing the cello, a pitch pipe is a good one. While intermediate to advanced cellists play using a simple fork because this can also give an accurate tune, this could be quite challenging for beginners. 

You can also use the piano to tune your cello, given that the piano is also on the right pitch. Again, use the tuning sequence: C,G,D,A. Lastly, use fine tuners for final adjustments.


It is important to know how to tune a musical instrument as this is one of the fundamental things a musician must be able to do. Besides this, a properly pitched instrument also contributes to the beautification of the sound it will produce later on.

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