Seeing the sides of life often hidden from the world, King Lor Rudy speaks the real to fans wanting music authentic and inspired by life.
King Lor Rudy grew up in environments that showed aspects of life many kids never had to experience. Even with struggles residing about him, one thing was certain, his passion to tell his story through music. As his life continued through the hardships of the streets, King Lor Rudy dedicated his grind to making that goal more than simply a dream.
After enduring many battles, he has achieved exactly what he set his mind to. King Lor Rudy who chose his artist name to respect the legacy of his late uncle, Rudy, has become a regular voice on the playlists of his fans. His music depicts the woes and reality of the environment that molded him into the man he grew to be. What started as just a dream to build a career using words to connect with his audience, has manifested into a fanbase that appreciates his craft, emotion, and legitimacy on the mic.
Reminiscing on his come-up, King Lor Rudy penned and recorded his most recent album, “Long Live The Guys.” The album is the second to his first album, “Free The Guys” and it speaks volumes about his talent and the odds King Lor Rudy defied to raise successfully. The project was released as a dedication to loved ones that were lost along the way. King Lor Rudy shows why he’s not controlled by the industry, but an artist that makes music for the people trying to live through the misfortunes of life.
Check out the Baltimore rhymer and stream his latest album, “Long Live The Guys.”