What up gang.
Back with the real you know what’s the deal. When it comes to gangs with ties to hip hop, a couple cities top the list with the most ruthless. One of those cities that always has the spotlight is Chicago and one set that’s built a name for itself is THF 46, home to the infamous stepper THF BayZoo aka THF Zoo.
Unfortunately, the modern-day THF camp seems to not be beefing with opps, but now falling apart due to internal beef with each other. Who are these beefs between? Why and how did these beefs start? Let’s chop it up and break it down.
THF 46 aka Trigger Happy Family is home to the Woodlawn neighborhood and their reputation speaks for itself.
Among their opps is the notorious 051 Young Money set that sits at the top of their beef list.
But with 051 Melly,
who was the face of the set murked, and the rest of steppers either facing jail time or also in the dirt, things have cooled down. THF had more freedom to focus on the rap game and level up their bank. The main man of the set, THF Zoo is close with Durk nem and been doing his thing with the music come up,
dropping tracks like “Beat That Body” with the late Von https://youtu.be/GGJX_7Y1wOY?si=puHItzozmVL95xvw And most recently his track “Big Dog” https://youtu.be/qWtrJnCzDrE?si=6rzIhM5pg-f-JHMZ.
THF was looking like they bouta get their foot in the music world and take off, but with the gang life, there always seems to be something lurking ready to snatch opportunities from your hands. Lil did the THF camp know, that was exactly what was about to happen to em.
In 2020, THF member THF Billa would do an interview with 16ShotEm Visualz where he was speaking on a situation between Zoo and Krump.
Basically saying Krump was tryna lil boy his homie Zoo cause he knew he was bigger than him, so he stepped in and handled business for Zoo. https://youtu.be/SulTbfWLeSE (0:18-1:05).
Billa probably just meant he had Zoo’s back, but Zoo took it like he was throwing shade at him and got at him in a post for that.
That sparked a whole back and forth between the two homies in the same camp. Even bringing lil Durk name into the thick of things, Billa called out Zoo for eating scraps after Durk and not really having anything of his own.
Things could have been handled behind the scenes, but it spewed out online into the public and it was one of the first signs that things in the THF camp were maybe on the decline. Other than Zoo, Billa was one of them ones that had a buzz not only in the streets but in the rap game. To this day, his track “Melly Story” about Melly getting dropped is a hood banger https://youtu.be/ovFkx48PZaM?si=WGQKPZqzwSadWgFo.
Things were getting heated. Wasn’t any more written posts being made. Zoo and Billa were now hopping online airing each other out and checking each other. For Billa though, it sounded like he was more hurt than anything how Zoo who he considered his homie was tryna tarnish his character https://youtu.be/tr9g2f0C7vg?si=ZGz5yUawcRWWTQzL (1:12-1:53) https://youtu.be/tr9g2f0C7vg (2:31-4:04) https://youtu.be/tr9g2f0C7vg?si=qD3sDcwvmZft-IC1 (7:54-8:13) https://youtu.be/tr9g2f0C7vg?si=qD3sDcwvmZft-IC1 (12:34-12:43) https://youtu.be/tr9g2f0C7vg?si=qD3sDcwvmZft-IC1 (14:47-15:14).
Zoo, on the other hand, wasn’t holding back and going in on Billa, going as far as saying he ain’t THF and to take the set moniker off his name https://youtu.be/65cCrSKT-ZU?si=hOvit3kvoWt8kA9M (1:54-2:35) https://youtu.be/65cCrSKT-ZU?si=hOvit3kvoWt8kA9M (2:42-3:05) https://youtu.be/65cCrSKT-ZU?si=hOvit3kvoWt8kA9M (4:35-4:53) https://youtu.be/65cCrSKT-ZU?si=cG53IhnyRbqys0y3 (7:04-7:11).
At this point, the two main faces of THF to the public were going at it which wasn’t a good look at all for the set, and knowing these two, if things popped off it would get serious. Luckily, what was looking like the downfall of THF stopped before getting out of hand. In later interviews on No Jumper, both THF Billa and THF Zoo clarified what happened, stating that they weren’t getting into nothing serious and just had a misunderstanding between brothers. https://youtu.be/Xkvi0SzXMDM?si=UHDxtMqeuxRPLhTg (0:00-0:53) https://youtu.be/Xkvi0SzXMDM?si=UHDxtMqeuxRPLhTg (1:34-2:10) https://youtu.be/SMWxS2RsdNA?si=PoGkY36uA-YuDPB8 (3:39-4:02) https://youtu.be/SMWxS2RsdNA?si=PoGkY36uA-YuDPB8 (4:11-4:26).
They talked and got everything off their chest and were back on good terms, strengthening the foundation of the THF camp. Beef was squashed and Zoo was out here beating court cases like he had called Saul. From a body, to being charged with reckless conduct and toating a shotgun and rifle.
To another body, to getting caught with more poles on May 12th 2022,
THF Zoo was dang near 100-0 when it came to the law cause every time he went in, he was beating the case and be back out.
It was like THF was unstoppable. But, all that was about to change and go left pretty quick when two juggernauts from THF would clash. An unreleased song snippet of THF Zoo homie Lil Durk would hit the net where Durk rapped these bars https://youtu.be/5ScXPRrl_nE?si=dBR1Le197uyJ7Z_7 (0:35-0:46) Durk took aim at THF Bruh Bruh who is said to really be like that in the streets for real, he don’t play.
In an interview on No Jumper, THF Zoo would also show his disgust for his set member THF Bruh Bruh, labeling him the worst thing you can label a street dude – a rat. Zoo then snatched the THF moniker from his name like it was a chain dangling from bro neck https://youtu.be/Xkvi0SzXMDM?si=94IwsGviEDhXkSKd (3:22- 3:37).
It was up now. Just when it seemed like THF had some angel on their side or somn, the devil came whispering in dude’s ears. With these street affiliations, it’s always the homies that turn enemies for some reason. I don’t know if it’s ego or what, but I guess when that jail time facing a dude, they get a new perspective on the street code. But the thing was, Zoo didn’t stop there. What he accused Bruh Bruh of next in another video took things to a whole other level.
According to Zoo, his homie, his gang mate, his street partner Bruh Bruh, got caught for a body but tried to hit the old switcheroo telling cops that he didn’t murk anyone and the real killer they’re looking for is THF Zoo.
https://youtu.be/Xkvi0SzXMDM?si=KbAmZ1bDJ4hoXbvx (4:02-4:19) https://youtu.be/8olfgRg9pfc?si=1NEk8iUwlneLrKSb (2:20-2:46).
The body Zoo is referring to is related to his 2014 arrest where he got picked up for first degree murder and fighting for his freedom.
Zoo was keeping the energy going and also made a post directing it to Bruh Bruh, subliminally calling him out for being a rat
But it made me wonder, why so vocal about it now? I mean that would be years ago, right? But it’s like the beef felt pressing. But then, looking deeper into things, it turns out Bruh Bruh was locked up for a body with a parole date of 2035.
But, the thing that stood out was that 16ShotEm released a snippet of a jail interview that’s about to drop and it was Bruh Bruh addressing Zoo, saying that he took 30 years for a body that wasn’t his https://youtu.be/DLCBfsPdrAw?si=e_XHpbP57FADn1yx (2:20-0:40) Also in that snippet Bruh Bruh said from the start he always looked at Zoo sideways, saying he been a snake https://youtu.be/DLCBfsPdrAw?si=e_XHpbP57FADn1yx (0:00-0:19).
This led people like YouTube blogger and journalist King AK Fortyseven to believe that THF Zoo is now pressing the issue because he’s trying to get ahead of whatever Bruh Bruh might expose in the interview. https://youtu.be/AzXFBpqtHuY?si=4N89rfbl3iv2386O (0:35-1:15) https://youtu.be/AzXFBpqtHuY?si=4N89rfbl3iv2386O (4:27-4:45).
Looking into other lives Zoo did recently on Bruh Bruh, he did say in one that if Bruh Bruh does that interview and talks crazy he’s going to release paperwork proving that he’s a rat and snitched on him to try put the body on him https://youtu.be/C3XobcMXx2g?si=bqG6LvQ_eoexXTBR (0:00-0:13)
Bruh Bruh would get notified of Zoo posting and talking bout him and contacted Trenches News to send a message to Zoo to stop playing with his name cause he didn’t have that energy towards him when they were locked together. Trenches News already had words for Zoo so he liked nothing better than to pass on the message and apply some pressure while he’s at it https://youtu.be/khw6ismZYXI?si=tqiBELOxXuEy5Apq (1:32-2:04).
But whose right in the beef and who’s lying? Another THF member by the name THF GBaby released a song in 2019 named “Too Litty” where he also claims that Bruh Bruh is a rat, directly connecting the allegations to him snitching on Zoo https://youtu.be/ATUekTn2AXs?si=sufDpKt-4G2aq1qc (2:47-3:00) Not only that, but what appears paperwork popped up online with an informant naming Devonsha Collier aka THF Zoo as the shooter in a homicide. Many claim that the redacted name might be Bruh Bruh and that was what Zoo was speaking on.
The plot thickened, but there was still more to come. Apparently, Zoo was also in paperwork where it stated that he was pointing out pictures of associates and stating names when questioned by investigators. He wasn’t connecting them to a crime, but he still answered their questions and pointed out who was who, so was that snitching or not with the many new technicalities and rules the streets have today? https://youtu.be/lPPWGwqfAvs?si=37f1727PhUUZL-27 (2:27-2:57).
It’s plot twist upon plot twist. One accusing the other of being a rat and the other doing the same. One thing’s for certain, it doesn’t seem like THF Zoo and THF Bruh Bruh is going to squash their beef like Zoo and Billa did, cause them allegations are a street dude’s biggest insult. THF used to be mentioned when talking on who’s the realest set, but now it seems snitching is the hot topic whenever THF is brought up, and worse yet, it be the own members accusing each other. Sure things are going to get wilder when the Bruh Bruh interview finds its way to the public. THF might just fall apart, and it would be because of internal beef within the camp. You hate to see it.
So there you have it. Thanks for kicking it with yah boy, appreciate the love and support. Catch ya’ll in the next one. Peace up and peace out.