Rapper Jeezy once stated “First I’m gonna stack my dough” followed by “And then I’m gonna stack some mo.” These type of rap lines have always been pillars of the Urban community’s motivation for success. In 2021 however, it’s not about the “Paper Trail,” rapper T.I. once titled his album after. Instead, we’re in a digital age where crypto currency has taken over. And it’s clear, Hip-Hop’s stars have to adjust to the financial trend. Major artists down to YouTubers have been getting into cryptos from Jay-Z to Nipsey Hussle , DDG to C.KHiD.
Dream Chasers’ Boss Joins SHIBArmy
Rapper Meek Mill aka “Meek Mandela,” said he was tired of missing out on Cryptocurrency gains, at it’s full potential. Apparently the Philadelphian failed to seize past opportunities he was aware of with Bitcoin and Dogecoin, under-investing. The rapper has said in the past he’s invested in BTC, according to various news outlets. Then in May 2021, the rapper announced he bought into DOGE, putting down a $50K investment into the Elon-Musk-Tweets-driven meme coin.
Now, Meek’s going for another meme token. The “Flamerz Flow” rap star has announced via twitter he joined the SHIBarmy.
The rapper, real name Robert, tweeted simply but clearly, “I’m about to buy some shiba inu coins.”
The leader of the Dream Chasers music group is one of hundreds of thousands of people between reddit (r/SHIBarmy) and twitter (@SHIBarmy), who believe in the ‘Dogecoin killer.’
Meek’s purchase is early on this wave. 10-million tokens of Shiba Inu tokens (SHIB) can be purchased via crypto.com today for approximately $75. If prices rise to just .01cent (USD) , every $100 meek mill invested would turn into approximately $12,000.
The big step for Shiba Inu (SHIB) coin however is getting listed on RobinHood. Over 130k people just signed a petition to get it listed on the popular newbies investing app, which may move the ball.
Meek tweeted about his buying into Shiba Inu cryptocurrency but did not share how much. One could assume it would be somewhere between $10k-$50k, similar to what he spent on rival meme token, DogeCoin.

“Yeah Yeah” to SafeTitan
Of course, Mill isn’t the only rapper joining the SHIBarmy and the DOGE mania. So is former viral YouTube rap artist C.KHiD. He’s recently added his support of the two tokens as well.
”#ShibaInu #SafeTitan #Doge Meme it up!” tweeted the South Carolina-born rapper.
Though it’s been years since his song “Yeah Yeah” topped 3-million views, it appears he’s still keeping his hands on the pulse of the web. The ‘Khid’ is 1-up on Meek Mill, adding in mention of a cryptocoin not yet released, SafeTitan.
The third meme token of his tweet will have it’s initial coin offering next month, July. According to the rapper’s comment on a VladTV post, he thinks buying new coins like SafeTitan during the ICO phase is a smart play. Once public, he indicates the tokens can be resold for 10x of the initial purchase price. The future of the coin however, requires individual research.
If this rings true, the SafeTitan ICO launch in July would be the play.
If not familiar, C.KHID has a long-standing history with internet projects. He founded the web’s first Hip-Hop fashion website back in 2002. He also created the trendsetting and iconic sneaker project, Kicks and Chicks, which has been copied by every model-based brand in America. And last, he was one of the first rappers to have success on YouTube, with the CKHiD (Cannot Kill How I’m Dreaming) entertainment project. Time flies, but he’s not changing,just getting some new change. SafeTitan, Doge and ShibaInu are his cryptocurrency plays
DDG Gets Last Laugh on VladTV
Fresh off his recent Tik-Tok vs YouTube boxing event, viral video star DDG is quite brilliant behind the scenes. While he keeps his rapper image very well marketed, the true facts of his past would make it clear everything is calculated with him. And his bank account stays calculating the new digits from incoming revenue streams DDG gets from music, videos, and cryptocurrency.
According to an interview with VladTV, the “Moonwalking in Calabasas” rapper invested about $20,000 (USD) into Bitcoin when it was at $16k in value. He also invested smaller amounts into other tokens like Litecoin. The YouTube rap star said he ended up using about $40,000 (USD) in total. The value of the coins went down to under $10,000 in the years coming, but today Bitcoin is worth $40,000. At the time of the interview, host DJ Vlad laughed about the investment falling during a bubble bust, but the eggs on his face now.
That investment from DDG on Bitcoin alone is worth more than double the money he originally invested in total at $50,000 (USD). His overall cryptocurrency investment is likely worth closer to $80,000 (USD), a huge $60K profit or 300% return on investment.
The kids from the digital era of entertainment like DDG are definitely living by the former motto of Jigga, “I will not lose.”
Jay-Z Puts Bitcoin into ₿trust
If you’re talking wise investments, no one in rap has done it quite like Shawn Corey Carter. The billionaire mogul keeps his hands on the pulse of nearly everything. Cryptocurrency is no different. The Roc Nation boss partnered with twitter founder Jack Dorsey to create a Bitcoin fund for Africa and India worth $23-million dollars or roughly 500 BTC.
The name of the project is ₿trust. Neither of the big business billionaires head the business nor control distribution of funding. They simply have faith in the direction of the ₿trust or ‘BTrust’ ideas.
There’s no going back on the investment either. The investment was a ‘blind and irrevocable’ injection of funds, sent over to a crypto wallet they cannot ask for a refund from.
Beyond Bitcoin, Jay-Z’s remained silent on his investments into cryptocurrency. Some speculate he does. It is clear however he has a big hand in the direction of tokens as he’s a silent investor in the Robinhood app, which SHIBArmy is fighting to get their beloved Shiba Inu token onto.
SaferMars Fiasco
Rapper Soulja Boy is no slouch when it comes to chasing the money eitehr. As he recently pointed out to Bow Wow, the Mississippi to LA transplant, is worth $30-million. He’s been known to have made an unspecified amount of money off Bitcoin, for which he made a celebratory song about.
More recently, the ‘Crank That’ rapper allegedly got paid $24,000 USD to co-sign SaferMars ($SFM). The token brand is a meme coin and spin-off of a more known currency called SafeMars, the payout to SBeezy was only good if the company sold $240,000 worth of meme tokens in their ICO. For the method which he promoted via twitter, Big Draco almost got in trouble with the United States SEC. Luckily, a case never formed, and “She Make It Clap” rapper’s back into his music bag.
1st Rapper Submerged In Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain
It’s not clear who was the first to buy into cryptos from Hip-Hop music. However, it is clear who was the first to speak with clear dictation and precise points on use of tokens & blockchain technology. Los Angeles rapper Nipsey Hussle gave brilliant detail on how he got into Cryptocoins during several interviews and why people should invest.
The most impressive moment perhaps is when Nipsey sat in a group interview with Ethereum co-founder Joe Lubin, Mark Ecko, Iddris Sandu (designer for Snapchat, Uber, more), and Galia Benartzi (founder of Bancor).
In this group interview talked about first being made aware of BItcoin in 2013 when Bitcoin was worth $700. By the time of the interview in 2018, the coin had risen to $7400. And today, it’s worth $40,000. Nipsey joked about how he didn’t take the initial tip to invest in 2013, but explained how later became the co-owner of his own crypto-currency, Follow Coin.
Follow Coin (FLLW) is a technology that allows users to follow real-time investors according to the late great Nipsey Hussle. Users can use information given by ‘sharks’ of the market to make decisions on their cryptocurrency investments.
Overall, Hip-Hop is trailblazing on all fronts when it comes to making money in 2021. From Akon’s “A-koin” crypto city in Africa to Nipsey sitting with the co-founder of Ethereum, the two rebel markets go hand in hand.
Watch the video below to view an interview with Nip speaking on Crypto coins and why to invest.