Today we had an exclusive chance to interview MizGeneral:
How did you come up with a stage name?
I always told people what to do and a general does that in the army so I call myself “MizGeneral”.
Where are you from?
Bronx, NY.
Where are you now?
Who would you say inspired you the most, as an artist?
2PAC he is very inspirational. He was trying to send out a message like how I try to send out a message in my music.
What were your grades like at school?
They was good but I got easily distracted.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
That they really feel my words and understand they love my energy.
What would you have done differently if you knew then what you know now?
I would had save a lot of money if I knew you had to invest so much money doing music and promoting.

Tell us something about you that your audience does not know?
I am shy.
What are you focusing your time on now?
New song dropping March 22, called “Mo money”.
What is your favorite song to perform?
Bossup remix.
How do you currently feel about the state of Hip-hop in general?
I feel like it’s a out the popularity and not the music
Have there been many obstacles in your career?
Yes, a lot I learn you have to invest in yourself to get somewhere.