Raptology: How did you come up with a stage name?
3isthemagic: I used to go by another name when I very first started putting music out but wanted to change it up with my rebranding. My favorite number is 3, I’m the III in my family line, and I’ve always like the saying good things come in 3s. I was going to go with 3isthemagicnumb but cut the ending to just end with magic.
Raptology: Where are you from?
3isthemagic: I was born and raised in Dallas, TX. I love my city and I feel like it has so much potential to offer. I feel like more of the spotlight for music should be put here. One thing that needs to happen though is that more artists need to be working together.
Raptology: Why did you first start making music?
3isthemagic: I needed a stronger way to express myself. The writing form was my go to relief system for a long time but I needed more. I actually needed my voice to be heard.

Raptology: Talk me through your creative process.
3isthemagic: Concepts, rhymes and flows can come at anytime during day or night. I had to learn the hard way about writing ideas down right away. Now, whenever I do come up with an idea I write it down immediately. If I don’t I’ll lose the idea forever.
Raptology: Have you heard the theory that some musicians write their best music while they’re depressed or going through a bad time?
3isthemagic: I think it’s obvious that artists make the best music when they break up or have a struggle to pull from. My first album was based on up and downs from a relationship and my second will be based on struggling in life and child hood trauma.
Raptology: What’s the best advice you ever received?
3isthemagic: You have to make sure you’re good so you’ll be able to take care of everything body else. If not, everyone around you that matters will he struggling right along with you.
Raptology: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your music?
3isthemagic: The best compliment I’ve received is my music has substance. I appreciate more than anything because I really want my listeners to feel what I’m saying. I spend a lot of time infusing real life experiences and lyrics into what I put out.

Raptology: What are you focusing your time on now?
3isthemagic: Right now I’m in the studio quite a bit finishing up my second album. It’s going to have a theme based around space and dreams. I’ve put in some of best work ever in this project and I’m going to have some amazing local talent featured in the music as well.
Raptology: Who would you most like to collaborate with?
3isthemagic: I’d love to work with artists like Chris Brown, Lil Baby and J. Cole. I know we would make something special come together.
Raptology: What do you want your legacy to be?
3isthemagic: I want my legacy to be of someone who went through a lot of things in life but still figured out how to win in the end. I came from a place where a lot of people said I should be dead but I survived and it shocked a lot of people. I’m good with it now. I love the feeling of shocking people and making them think. I feel like if you really listen to my music you will see that it’s made to be a blueprint on figuring out how to win no matter what’s thrown at you.