Today we had an exclusive chance to interview our September contest winner in the category “Rap Music Video of The Month” – PrecShatara:
Raptology: What is your legal name and age?
PrecShatara: Precious Sha’Tara Richardson and I am 28 yrs old.
Raptology: How did you come up with a stage name?
PrecShatara: PrecShatara was always my Instagram name it stems from my two names. Prec (presh) is what my blood relatives call me shot for Precious and Sha’Tara is my middle name but mostly my street family call me Sha’Tara. So I just ran with it since people have been seeing that for so long n they call me it in public.
Raptology: Where are you from?
PrecShatara: East side of Detroit, Michigan 6mile is my good where I was born and raised.

Raptology: Why did you first start making music?
PrecShatara: I started making music honestly because I knew I could write and create better product than what I was hearing from the average female. The plan was to write for female artist in my city. But it didn’t work out that way I ended up recording all my own works instead of providing someone else with it. And I fell in love with the studio so I kept going.
Raptology: Who would you say inspired you the most, as an artist?
PrecShatara: Of All Time The Temptations but also Lauryn hill, Left Eye, MC Lyte and Takeoff (Migos) play a very huge part in who I studied to know the kind of artist I wanted to be today rather it be style, flow, or performance.
Raptology: What’s the best advice you ever received?
PrecShatara: Stop worrying about what others think or feel about my craft, stop trying to base my music off of what I think society wants to hear, and most of all NEVER throw money in the strip club if your song is not playing. It’s DISRESPECTFUL to me and my brand.

Raptology: Are you religious? If yes, what is your religion?
PrecShatara: Not religious, I am a Spiritualist. I create my own reality. God is in me and works through me for my higher good.
Raptology: What were your grades like at school?
PrecShatara: I was the kid that always finished my work in 3 mins with 100% on every assignment from kindergarten on up until high school when I decided to just not do any work cause I was sick of school. But if I did an assignment I would always ace it. I was a Very smart child.
Raptology: What is the most useless talent you have?
PrecShatara: I am empathetic it’s not a talent it’s a gift. I only would call it useless because I can’t just walk around telling ppl things I spiritually know or they might look at me crazy. Ppl aren’t woke so I dont put that gift to use often unless it’s close friends n family that understand.
Raptology: If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
PrecShatara: I would take it back to when only artist with real talent got signed. Artist that write their own music, could really sing n rap and where jewelry and fake booties didn’t determine if you should be in the industry or not. I would bring back the days of Motown. They didn’t just find a cute girl n say we gon make you an artist. Their artist already were artist n they had a chance to show what they were made of instead of being made up.
INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/precshatara
SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/artist/7zLWFkyxOf2uinGlPfoYw0?si=4yvCgoyJSSGNThNbKr2lgQ
APPLE MUSIC https://music.apple.com/us/artist/precshatara/1501474302
YOUTUBE CHANNELhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSa7ETatBaDr35SpxxhOSkA